oess to your organization and affiliated publication. I hope in the future to be able to make a small financial contribution to aid you in your work.
J.J., Fargo, N.D.
For information on the FIRST FIVE issues of THE LADDER, ourrently collectors items, see page 30. Single oopies of the magazine from March, 1957, to the present are available at 50 cents each. Readers may also start their subscriptions with any copy from March on. ED.
I enclose $10 for which I would appreciate your sending your splendid publication to the libraries of any universities of your choice.
I enjoy THE LADDER immensely. Keep up the good work. As soon as possible I will send you another small donation.
S.P., Medford, Ore.
Your publication has been of great value to me in understanding myself better and in getting other people to understand the homosexual problem in a favorable light.
My parents have been reading each issue and it has helped our relationship in many ways.
I only wish that I was near enough to help you in the wonderful work you are doing.
N.M., Baltimore, Md.